
Thursday, July 12, 2012

A New Quilted Lined Magazine/Book Holder

At one of our auctions last month I got this odd little wooden box full of junk.  I didn't really want the junk that was inside of it, just the wooden box.  The more I looked at it I think it used to be a drawer because there are holes where handles must have been.
I couldn't understand why the inside of the box was so sticky, but then I saw that the bottom was covered in contact paper.  
So at one time the inside must have been too.
Easiest solution for that....mod podge.  I dug out some old fabric scraps I had and started gluing them on.
I learned the hard way that I made my fabric squares too small so that I would require lots and lots of them.  Two inch squares that I used pinking shears to cut.  Even though it took a little longer than I had hoped,
 I do like the finished look.
I applied two nice top layers of mod podge and then sanded it smooth after it was completely dry.  I then sprayed it with a Krylon Clear Coat.  I wanted it to easily move so I put wheels on the bottom of it.  There must have been something on the bottom before because you can see where the holes were.

The wood bottom was kinda thin, so I just hot glued the wheels on.  I'm hoping that they will hold.  I guess I'll let you know if they don't.  Finally I added a little trim to the upper ridge with glue.

Now I have a cute box to hold my quilting books and magazines.  Obviously when I get it completely filled up you won't get to see how the cute the mod podge fabric inside is, but I'll know it's there.  That's all that matters.  
A beautiful quilted lining to house my precious books and magazines.....Perfect!

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