
Friday, June 29, 2012

I Own An Outhouse!

Well at least it looks kind of like an outhouse.  
For $25.00 I couldn't pass it up and I'm having so much fun making a place for it in my yard. 
 I'm going to use it as a garden/tool shed.

Here it is fresh from the auction.  We put it outside by our raised bed garden we started this year.  So much character to it.  Inside I even found a few dates written in it, 1948, 1952, 1958.  I will be adding 2012 to it to make my mark on it for the future to find. 
Here are pictures of the progress so far.  I've moved it away from the pine a little bit.  Added a hook for a hanging flower pot and put an old horseshoe on it for luck.  
There was already a shelf inside so I'm slowly starting to add my garden items in it. 
Mabel suggested I move my old washtub out by it and I must agree it looks perfect.  Eventurally we would like to put a large garden shed up so I envision connecting the two with a cute picket fence and lots of perennials.  
So far I've added two lavender plants and moved a hosta for now. 
 It is weathered with at least 4-5 different colors of paint.  Everyone keeps asking me if I am going to paint it, but I love it just the way it is.

Here is another close-up of our garden.  I know things are a little close together, but I let my 11 year old call the shots on what we planted, so it's a learning curve this year.  But our spinach isn't doing very well, so if anyone has any suggestions as to what we can do to help our spinach we'd appreciate it.
 I just love my washtub, makes me smile.
 Going to add a pea gravel path and hopefully will pick up a few more items at auction that will look perfect next to it. 
 Perhaps a wheelbarrow or an old wagon wheel.  Some old tubs or a water pump. 
 I'm sure whatever I get will make my husband roll his eyes.  
That's exactly what he did when he saw the outhouse. 
 Lucky for me he is so comfortable in his new recliner he could care less what I'm doing,
 in what I now refer to as the back 40 of our yard!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Mr. B would put me in the home if I ever came home with one but I could see me trying as yours is so cute! Agreed do not paint it!! I look forward to seeing how it takes to it's new home. I had to pull my spinach as it got too hot here and it bolted. It likes cool temps and lots of water is my only advice.


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