
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

English Paper Piecing

Here's the start of my next quilt.
 Do you see stars or boxes?


These are just a fraction of the stars or boxes to come. 
But I was so excited to post, 
so here you go.

 You start with what ever color combination you like.
The finished size of the diamonds measures 2 1/2 "
So you cut strips of fabric 2 1/8 wide and use the 60 degree mark on your ruler to get all of these little gems.

These are the templates I use, they come in a package of 60
The holes in the center make it easy to pop them out once you join them together.  If your interested I can supply you with these just contact us.  

Next: Use paper clips on two of the sides,
 it makes it easier to baste around the template. 
Fold at the points and stitch to the next point. 
No precision needed here.
But do pull the corners and fold as tight as possible.

Baste all the way around and don't do like I did with the one on the right.  Well I guess you can, all you have to do is clip it when you are ready to pop it out,
 but why make and extra step for yourself
 because the sides will be joined.

Face two right sides together, whip stitch along one side. 
Add the next color, and so on, 
until you have your star completed. 
 Next add the two white stars, they are your background. 

Then you end up with a bunch of these. 
And then it's puzzle time!
The trick is to have each star or box surrounded by white.
Scroll back up to the first picture 
and I think I laid them out correctly, 
with the few I have completed. 
It's mindless stitching. 
My kind of needlework!

Everything you need fits into one little box, 
grab and go. 
You can go to this site and Jess my new best friend has a video on how to do this, you will meet George also.

I'll keep you posted on my progress!
Thanks for stopping by!!

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