
Monday, May 21, 2012

Another Great Auction Deal!

Went to an auction last night.
And this little beauty came home with me.
And are you ready for this

Three pieces, cast iron. 

50 Cents

That's Right!

A sweet elderly gentleman got it with a lot of items he bid on
I went and asked if he wanted it. I didn't think he would, knowing it would be heavy. And come to find out the base was buried half way down, as you can see from the dirt line.
But just so happens, 
I had a shovel in one of the box lots I purchased.
A little digging and a lot of muscle and
I delivered that little baby direct from Mother Earth.
It was a tough birth though,
 weighing in at about 175 lbs.

But this little girl was coming home with mama, 
she was worth the labor!
She even came with the dirt.

He said he paid 1.00 for the whole lot,
which consisted of: 
My Planter
cement goose with a broken neck
(and that's what he was after)
4 Yard sticks
( which I have a fetish for, he gave me 2) 
Two cement small animal ornaments
Yard tools
Handicap tub bench
and a TV stand
All for 1.00
He only took the 2 yard sticks and the goose.
Left the rest. 
So he told me .50 would buy the planter.
What a great night.

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