
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What Do You Really Want (part 2) ~ Make Happiness a Habit!

Recognize the part habit plays in conditioning your mental state.  You don't have to be a wretched Mr. Scrooge taking the Christmas joy out of everything.  Nor need you be a Pollyanna who is always conspicuously doing good!

But you can be a happier, brighter self.  The way to develop a habit pattern is to start in the right direction now.  The happiness habit can be yours! Start today accenting the positive.  Do not repeat any idle gossip or rumor of a negative or depressing quality.  Do not dwell on any ache or pain you may think you have.  Be absolutely realistic for once.

Ask yourself:  "Am I doing all in my power to remedy any situation which may be making me or someone else unhappy?"

This attitude is wholesome constructive self-interest...and it is a pole away from the egotistical selfishness which causes unhappiness.  You should be interested in yourself.  How can you be interested in others if you are not first interested in yourself and your own highest welfare?  Do repeat pleasant things.  Do say something nice about somebody.  Do take a moment to enjoy a sunset or a poem or a quiet walk.

Put a reminder where you can see it...keep up this pattern everyday.  Soon the happiness habit will be yours to keep.  You won't recognize the other doleful self you've left far behind.  What about "awful" routine?  Routine in itself is not evil.  The repetition of humble daily tasks may have a sustaining quality about it.

A successful writer gave up her home in the country...her daily washing and ironing and gardening...and discovered she could not write any more for it was when she was performing these simple tasks that her inspirations came.

Would you actually like to be released from all routine?  There's something about the daily tasks often done which makes them easier.  The satisfaction of doing them well gives comfort and peace which is a haven from the storm...a sure refuge in time of trouble.

Prima donnas, big artists, top executives often find themselves completely without moorings...without any routine.  What do they do?  They try to find an answer in sports, gambling races, winter or summer reports.  Sometimes they do find an answer.  An sometimes they do not.  For the problem of happiness is seldom solved at the wheel of fortune!

Routine, the repetitious doing of simple tasks again as they have been done before...washing dishes, sorting papers and so forth...need not be monotonous.  The one saving ingredient is rhythm.  Rhythm is simply routine with music and an accent to it.  The stars and the sun, the moon and the tide, are regulated by a universal majestic rhythm.  Try putting rhythm into your routine and watch the monotony change to interest.  Sing while you wash dishes...whistle while you work in the in garden!
If your old habit-thought patterns have been unpleasant...junk them!  Start a new habit pattern.

You can...YES!  You actually can condition thoughts for happiness.

Start today and the happiness habit can be yours in bright tomorrows!

Put rhythm into your life!  Whistle while you work...walk as if to music...and you'll find suddenly there's music in your heart!  Away with any unpleasant ways of thought!  On with the new...let yourself go with cheerfulness and smiles...and you'll find the happiness habit is yours!

Start now for a real and bright tomorrow!  You can do it if you try!

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