
Friday, January 6, 2012

R.I.P. #85

Well it was a sad day last week when we learned that our normal Friday Night Auction would be no more. We had a lot of fun each and every Friday night that we would go.  Our number was always #85 and our favorite amount to spend on an item was $2.50!  When we went last Friday night we did not know that it would be our last time going, but once we found out we were certainly glad we went.  The cold weather almost kept us away.  The auctioneer has decided to dedicate his time to running for a political office so we are left with nothing to do tonight.

We were new to the world of auctions when we started going about nine months ago, but after that first night we were hooked.  Here was our most exciting purchase that first night.....for only $5.00!

We have some grand ideas for this piece, we just haven't gotten around to doing it yet.  We have a storage unit full of items like this just waiting for our attention (but we have found we kind of have ADD and keep changing what we are interested in doing monthly).  This piece will however, hold a special place in our hearts as our first big auction purchase as #85.

One of our last purchases last Friday night is Mabel's new shelf in her sewing room.  It's an old spice rack.
Mabel wanted a little more storage on it so she cleverly added two additional shelves to it.  They look like they have been on the piece all along.  You can see below.  She lit a candle last night as a vigil to her #85 auction purchases in her sewing room.  She really needed a computer keyboard tray and wouldn't you know last month the auction gods smiled down on us and gave her a new one in the box!!
Here is the shelf up close, you can't even tell she added to it.  But she has forever marked it #85!

So think of us tonight when we are in mourning that we don't have our usual hangout to go to.  I'm sure we will eventually come up with something to do or some place to go to get our auction addiction fix on a Friday night, but it won't be the same.  We will miss the usual friends we used to see and the many laughs that we have had being known as #85, the $2.50 girls!

Extra Note:
I should probably show you an item that Mabel wanted to buy for the two of us one Friday night, but thankfully didn't because they went for a much higher price than our limit.
Nice Big CLOWN SHOES.......wouldn't they have looked spiffy on us!!
Here's another picture I'm going to add, only because I know it will make Mabel laugh.
It's a magnifying glass we got in a box lot that her grandson is trying out.  I taught him how to use it!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mabel and Ethel!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog the other day! I sent you an e-mail about how to stamp the spoons! I am amazed at your auction find for $5! Fabulous!!

    Have a blessed day!


Thank you for your comment, we look forward to reading it.