
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Arc the Elf

 "Elf on the Shelf" is a book that comes with a elf, the concept is, he comes out around Thanksgiving.  His job is to report back to Santa every night to let him know if your children are being good.  You are not allowed to touch him, or his magic powers to return to Santa will go away. Every night mom and dad move him to a different spot. My grandchildren named their elf  "Arc" (don't ask)  
Arc was caught zip lining across the living room.
Pride and Joy get very excited every morning to see where he might be. 

Here  Arc was caught toilet papering the house.  Joy (Hunter) was so excited when he woke up this morning to see the mess he made. If you look close you can see him pointing to Arc on the book shelf.
Christmas is so much fun again with grandchildren

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