
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Auction # 10

I think Ethel and I need AA, (Auctions Anonymous)  Today we get up on a day when we COULD have slept in. A typhoon is going on outside, but do we change our minds and stay home. NOT A CHANCE!  Someone may be buying our junk!  Well, we get lost along the way, so much for the GPS.  It was no help.  And it didn't help that Ethel was arguing with me about the name of the road.  On the web site it said Cedar Point Road.  "That's not right, that's in Sandusky," she said.  They do have a Main Street in every town in America. I assured her Sandusky doesn't have a monopoly on Cedar Point Road. 
I call to get directions.  The night stand we are going for is really the only piece we want. We have special plans for it.  God Bless the girl on the phone giving us directions, she must have heard the panic in my voice. I heard the auctioneer in the background. THEY'VE STARTED WITHOUT US!!  She took all our info over the phone, so we could jump out of the car and start bidding.  As Ethel pulls up and parks along side the ditch, we are ready to jump out and run. WE'RE COMMMMING!  I open my door, not realizing how steep the incline is where we parked.  The door flies open and I about fall in the ditch, thank God I was hanging on to the door. Not to mention that it's 88 degrees, at 10:00 in the morning, and we have been in the air conditioned car. My glasses fog up and I can't see a thing.  I feel my way around the car. Ethel meanwhile can't get her door open, because of the incline. As soon as the glasses clear, I take off running. We can't stop laughing.  I am running down the driveway, ALMOST THERE!   Wrong drive!  Back I go, around the fence to the next house.  The girl that took our info meets us and hands us our number. Today we are number 41.
An hour to the auction, didn't get our night stand, sweat like pigs, but we only spent $ 29.00. And right now I can't even remember what we got. See, AA is in our future. But what a great time!
We did stop at a quilt shop on the way home.  We, YES I said WE Ethel are going to make this quilt.  Wool and cotton. Saw it finished, it was gorgeous!
On the way home we stop at the Mexican store so I can get tortilla's.  Yes, I'm Mexican!  Ethel asked if she was in for an experience.  I don't know what she was expecting, a Mexican Hat dance going on, or what!  She just wasn't able to read anything. But she did find the pastries her daughter loves. She just can't  pronounce them. We will be practicing rolling our R's on the next road trip. Oh my grrrrringo friend, love her to death!

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