
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Help Us Get To 50 Followers

We would love to do our best to get 50 followers on our spread the word.  To make it inticing to everyone we will be having a give-a-way.  Look at this beautiful new lamp that one lucky follower is going to win!
This lamp hangs on the wall and just plugs into a regular electrical outlet.  Beautiful beaded fringed shade is really only 1/2 a shade so it's up against the wall.  Lamp is cream and black and just gorgeous.  Mabel has these on either size of her bed for lamps so you don't need to have a nightstand or you can have a small one.  She's so clever isn't she!

So what do you have to do to win?  First become a member of our blog and then leave a comment below this post stating that you are.  It's easy, just click the "Join This Site" button on the right hand side under our names.  For an additional entry link to this contest from your blog and leave us a comment saying that you did and your blog name and you'll have two chances to win.  We will use the random number generator to pick the winner. 
As soon as we reach 50 followers we will have the drawing.  Hopefully we will reach that soon.  So spread the word and get signed up.  It's a great lamp, brand new in the box.  We can't wait to give it away!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wedding Shower Today No Auction for Mabel

 I had a wedding shower. My gift was a quilt that I made for a picnic basket I got from the mother of the bride to be.  She gave it to me 18 years ago, I had to have it.  I was going to go on a picnic and use it!  Yeah right.  Never used it, not once in 18 years.  Can you believe that.  Sat in my garage all that time.  Well, thought this was a perfect opportunity to make a quilt, and give it back filled with picnic dishes.   Here is a picture of it.  White looking piece of paper, is just that, Ether transferred notebook paper on to fabric for me, and I wrote a little story about the engaged couple.  Sewed it down like it was lying on the quilt.

Here is a close up of the story I wrote. Can't read but it really does look like paper.  She cried, I cried, I think she liked it.  

      And here is a shower picture of the the wine glasses at Hermes Winery. The shower was out back with a grape vine arbor, and an old shed.  Absolutely lovely.

       And here is the Bride to be and her Flower Girl.  Who just happens to be my Pride! 
Arent' they beautiful!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Yes, I got binoculars. I've always wanted some.  When I would go to the Indians game with my husband, I would rather people watch than the game.  Or I can keep an eye on my neighbor,  you never know what's going on over there with 87 year old Mrs. Decker.  Just kidding!  She a sweet heart.  Pride (Raegan) and I like to feed the birds.  We can get up close and personal with them now. Ethel told me while I was bidding if I didn't get them she had a pair for me in her car.  Look at these, you call these binoculars. She had them in her glove compartment, mine are on the right.  Now those are binoculars!  You don't collapse or fold REAL binoculars.   And why would one need 3 pairs, in her car yet.  Ethel I'm a little concerned. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mabel Outdid Herself Tonight

Well we got together tonight with another friend for our quilting group and Mabel fed us pretty good.  She made us this tasty Baked Potatoe Pizza. Actually this is the second time she has made it for us and it is delicious!
The recipe is from Taste of Home, check it out.

She also outdid herself with this beautiful cake she made from a recipe she found on Pinterest.
Thanks Mabel for another fun evening.
For the recipe click here:  Hawaiian Carrot Cake
I actually even got a little sewing done on my quilt block, we will both share pictures of what we are working on soon.  I'm so full from the goodies we had I need to go sit in my rocker for a while.  Enjoy the recipes.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Mabel Still Isn't Thinking Straight

Obviously from Mabel's post you can tell how excited she is about her new sewing machine purchase. So excited that she posted the picture of the machine she DIDN'T get! Here is the actual sewing machine my dear Mabel purchased on Sunday. When I got back in the room after doing my phone bidding I saw they were on the sewing machines and the price was over $100.00. I didn't think old Mabel was even bidding until I saw the professional "nod" of the head from her and before we both knew it the machine was hers. Her heart was beating so fast, but she composed herself. What a fun time. At first when we got there, since there was two machines, we had each talked about getting one. But anyone that has known me with my sewing knows that it's very sporadic at best, so I'm glad the other lady purchased it. In her we found a new auction/sewing friend and Mabel will be keeping in touch with her to discuss their new machines I'm sure.

It was extremely hot, but fun. However, Mabel will pay for the picture of the sweaty tissues stuck to the face. I can't even take offense to it however, since one of my nicknames by my dear husband is "sweaty".

Mabel's going to embroider our work aprons with her new machine. I'll let you know when that happens. She's only on page 20 or so of her new manual so it may be a while!! I'll keep you posted.

Oh, by the way Mabel didn't tell you of her other exciting purchase that day.....Binoculars. She looked like a bird watcher walking around with them over her shoulder. I'm afraid now that she has those everyone better be careful, she's going to be doing recon work on the side!

One Hundred and Fifty Dollar Day!

It was so hot on Sunday. Ethel started to wipe her face and it stuck. Miserable, it was dripping off us. Ended up being one of the best days at an auction for both of us though. Ethel got some things she has been looking for at a fantastic price. What would have cost her 600.00, she got for 149.50. Can't mention what they are, its a gift for someone. We ended up doing two auctions that day. We are becoming quite clever. We had our choice between an auction held in air-conditioning or one in a HOT SWEATY COW BARN. We chose the air-conditioning. Problem was we each wanted something at the two different auctions. This was a personal day. The junk business took a day off. There was this sewing machine that I wanted and they had two. I was bound and determined to get one of them. They were just about to start selling the machine and I get a call. It's the other auction house. Ethel's item is on the block. That's shop talk, her item is ready to sell. We have discovered phone bidding. It's a wonderful thing. We can be two places at once. Three, if Ethel doesn't forget her phone next time. The air conditioned place, was the wise choice for that day. I get ready to bid on my machine, I'm nervous. I knew it wasn't going to be cheap.These machines are expensive. Meanwhile, Ethel is outside bidding on her items. My heart is beating so hard. I WANT THIS! Ethel where are you? I need support. They start the bidding at 500.00. Not to worry they always come down. It gets down to 50.00. Up goes #24. That's me. Then someone starts to bid against me. I can't see her, she's behind me. I don't want to be obvious and turn around. I figured if I gave her the mom glare, she might back off. Those glares are pretty scary. Ask my kids. It was just her and I. She got it for 160.00. My limit was 150.00. Only because there was another, and her and I are the only bidders. So I'm thinking I'm getting this other one for 50.00. I start the bid. And then some dwarf starts to bid against me. ARE YOU KIDDING ME, WHERE IN THE HECK DID SHE COME FROM! I look for her, she's so short all I see is her number go up. The glare isn't going to work! Plan B, get aggressive Mabel. I'm nodding and my number 24 is popping up so fast, I decide to just keep it up. I mean business!

SOLD TO NUMBER 24. I was so excited I did a fist pump. Got it for 150.00 my limit. Must have been hers too. On the way home I was looking over the manual. Previous owner wrote on it how much she paid for it. To my DELIGHT the original owner paid 1899.00. Sweet Day for the Junk Girls! Isn't it a beautiful thing!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Auction # 10

I think Ethel and I need AA, (Auctions Anonymous)  Today we get up on a day when we COULD have slept in. A typhoon is going on outside, but do we change our minds and stay home. NOT A CHANCE!  Someone may be buying our junk!  Well, we get lost along the way, so much for the GPS.  It was no help.  And it didn't help that Ethel was arguing with me about the name of the road.  On the web site it said Cedar Point Road.  "That's not right, that's in Sandusky," she said.  They do have a Main Street in every town in America. I assured her Sandusky doesn't have a monopoly on Cedar Point Road. 
I call to get directions.  The night stand we are going for is really the only piece we want. We have special plans for it.  God Bless the girl on the phone giving us directions, she must have heard the panic in my voice. I heard the auctioneer in the background. THEY'VE STARTED WITHOUT US!!  She took all our info over the phone, so we could jump out of the car and start bidding.  As Ethel pulls up and parks along side the ditch, we are ready to jump out and run. WE'RE COMMMMING!  I open my door, not realizing how steep the incline is where we parked.  The door flies open and I about fall in the ditch, thank God I was hanging on to the door. Not to mention that it's 88 degrees, at 10:00 in the morning, and we have been in the air conditioned car. My glasses fog up and I can't see a thing.  I feel my way around the car. Ethel meanwhile can't get her door open, because of the incline. As soon as the glasses clear, I take off running. We can't stop laughing.  I am running down the driveway, ALMOST THERE!   Wrong drive!  Back I go, around the fence to the next house.  The girl that took our info meets us and hands us our number. Today we are number 41.
An hour to the auction, didn't get our night stand, sweat like pigs, but we only spent $ 29.00. And right now I can't even remember what we got. See, AA is in our future. But what a great time!
We did stop at a quilt shop on the way home.  We, YES I said WE Ethel are going to make this quilt.  Wool and cotton. Saw it finished, it was gorgeous!
On the way home we stop at the Mexican store so I can get tortilla's.  Yes, I'm Mexican!  Ethel asked if she was in for an experience.  I don't know what she was expecting, a Mexican Hat dance going on, or what!  She just wasn't able to read anything. But she did find the pastries her daughter loves. She just can't  pronounce them. We will be practicing rolling our R's on the next road trip. Oh my grrrrringo friend, love her to death!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nice Toes Ethel!

 OK, Ethel got this at one of our auctions.  I think it was a buck.   She took it to work, to get "Exercise."  She sent me this picture.  Said her chair keeps rolling backwards, we'll have to look for brakes at the next auction so she can start to break a sweat.  Or I'm sure I have a 2x4 in the garage, she can put behind her chair.  She has a little maintenance to do, there is a squeak.  Doesn't want anyone to think she has a mouse under her desk.  

Monday, July 18, 2011

Everybody!!! Ethel lives!!

See, I really do have a friend. You all thought she was my imaginary friend, didn't you?  Like the side note says. We're peas and carrots.

Monday's Vintage Tidbit on Personality!

Well as Mabel mentioned the other day I happened to become the owner of two little books from 1958 by the Bonomo Culture Institute. "How to Develop a More Successful Personality for a Winning and Magnetic You" and "How to Become a More Popular Hostess." So I googled to find out more about them and was surprised to learn that they were very popular little books in their day. They were created by Joe Bonomo who was an international authority on beauty, health, diet and the self-improvement of face and figure. Well I don't know about you but I could use a little help in all those areas! Take a look at Joe back in the day, he was known as the Strongman. I don't know about you ladies but I'm willing to listen to what Joe has to say ~ he certainly got my attention with those muscles! Too bad he still isn't around today, RIP Joe 1978.

So since Joe looks like he knew a thing a too that he could teach us I thought it would be fun to share some of the information in the books, which will take us back to a time when ladies were coming into their own. So lets pull up a chair and talk about your Personality-To Be!

Section One:
This may surprise you....but did you know that your personality is you? All that you are...all that you want to be...all that you can become. This little book is going to show us how personality works! Are you with me? Did you ever stop to think of the difference between failure and success? What makes one man a criminal and another a star athlete....puts one man on a park bench and another behind a big desk? Do you ever wonder why some folk are creators...others are captives? Why some are grouchy and discontented while others rise to heights of happiness? Is there a simple reason? Yes! Personality!

This isn't a personality course to make you a carbon copy of somebody else. This book will introduce you to yourself...a self which you may not have known about before....the person you always wanted to be!

When you help others you help yourself. But you can't be of much help to others until you solve your own be the man/woman you were meant to be.

Now is the time to forget about any worries....fears you may have thought you had....and settle back in your easy chair. Maybe you've studied boxing, acrobatics, sewing and cooking, but you've just put off personality because you thought it might be difficult. The fact is simple as abc. Whether you are actor, artist, cook or candlestick maker...a good personality can open the door to a happier life!
Scientists have come to realize that the one factor..... like the yeast in the bread. The right amount of it makes the bread rise to the top...and if left out or know what happens. Whether you are at the controls of a plane, at the keys of a typewriter, teaching a class, or selling across a counter.... personality can help you. You may have heard a lot of mysterious mumbo jumbo about personality which gives you a lot of tricks and mannerisms for acting like someone else, making you look like a movie star or Napoleon...or anybody at all...but yourself!

I hope you'll forget that nonsense right now. Your real self is a priceless treasure because it's genuine, the real You. In all the universe, there is only one You.

Discovering yourself through the pages of this book is going to be one of the biggest opportunities you've ever had...because you can tune into power right now...this minute. And once you've found yourself...your important place in the big human'll never be lost or frustrated or walk alone again. You'll have the self-confidence and assurance that comes with knowing yourself. You'll have that song in your heart, that lift in your smile. Then you'll really start living! Cordially, Joe Bonomo, Director.

Other than being dated by refering to the typewriter much of what he has to say rings true today. So reflect on his words of wisdom and think about your personality. Mabel and I have so much fun laughing together that I sometimes think our personalities are as one. How lucky we are. I can't wait to share more from my little books with you. Till Next Time.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Couple More Mirrors

Love these mirrors. 36" round. They do have some imperfections. I think it adds character. For sale everyone.

Close up of the etching.

This one has about a 1 1/2 inch bevel all the way around.

Miss Personality

Check this out!
Looks more like she's trying to become the lady of the night. Ethel got this little hand book at the last auction we went to.  She will have to post some of the tips in there.  May come in handy for some of you. We were reading it on the way home, and thanked God we were not adults during that time.   I think we would have shot ourselves.
Ethel is probably still kicking herself about these Shirley Temple dolls. They sold for 3 dollars each. She could have sold them on eBay for about 40.00 each. That would have been a lot of beans to buy more junk. Live and learn Ethel. Maybe there is some tip in your hand book to help you at the next auction.
We'd like to give a big thank you out to Ethel's sister Becky. She has donated some very nice chairs, a couple of mirrors, and a screen.  We will make them beautimis!  That is a word.
Thanks again Becky! 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Lawn Side Table

Plucked this puppy right out of the garbage.  That's right, I'm not proud.  It's an aluminum outside table.  It looked like this for about 3 years, then I hooked up with Ethel,  got smart and painted it.

                       I painted it with chalk board paint. So far it has held up in the outdoors.                
                                Pride and Joy can have this one.

But I don't think they are to interested to write on it right now.
Nappy nap time.
The quilt Raegan is on, is her I spy quilt. Had fun finding all the novelty fabric for that one. Looks like all her extremities are broken. OUCH!  No like one of those crime scene chalk drawings.

Sewing Foot Stool

Nasty needle point cover.  Cat hair and stinky.   YUCK!
                                                                  Much Better