
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Got it!

 At 1am my dear husband, came up stairs, woke me up breathing heavy, and it's not what your thinking.  The bat made it's appearance last night.  He was holding the door shut, like the bat was going to push it open.  Wiping the sleep from my eyes. I ask what time it is. Remember I have a record to break.  He tells me it's in the back room.  So I'm assuming he confined it there.  He did tell me, I brought up your gate.  So I grab the gate, ready for the hunt. As I'm walking downstairs, it swoops by me.  Ray is in the upstairs bathroom now. When I tell him, "IT'S UP HERE!"  I hear the door slam. I'm on my own! Four swats and I get it.  I still didn't break my old record of 8 minutes though. Next time. Ray said he fell asleep downstairs, woke up and was checking the back door to make sure it was locked. And there it was circling. I don't think his feet touched the stairs when he ran up has hard as he was breathing.
He told me it was a good thing I caught it or I would not have been allowed to visit my daughter in Portland. Tough guy huh! Yeah sure he is, behind the closed door.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


OK, let me explain what KIWI MOMENTS are.  Something that you did and don't want anyone to know, but it's so stupid you have to tell someone. It makes you laugh so hard you cry, snort, and wet yourself, all at the same time.  Hence the name, kiwi, because my girlfriend had an encounter with a one. So every time one of us would do something that warranted the title, we would call one another and say, "I have a kiwi moment for you."  Immediately we'd start laughing before we heard what it was, because we knew it was going to be good.  And that started it all, many years ago, and there have been many since.  So periodically we will post them and expose ourselves to you.  So enjoy yourselves at our expense!    

The First Kiwi Moment:

I have this dear friend who used to bring me lunch everyday.  Now that's a friend.  Leftovers! Mmmmm!  Nothing better.  One day she brought kiwi's.  Well growing up in Crystal Rock and being Mexican and all, we were more apt to me running around with no shoes and tortilla in hand.  We had never even heard of a kiwi.  Not part of our vocabulary down in the Rock.  Ours consisted more of beans, rice, and tacos.  Anyhow, we have them for lunch one day, and I had never had one.  So I give it a funny look, not to sure about this fuzzy, nut looking thing......... we peel it, eat it, and to my surprise, I liked it!
So I call my other friend, we'll call her Shannon.  And I tell her about my new experience with this thing they call a kiwi. Her response, "I DON'T LIKE THEM!  That hairy covering taste awful, it got stuck in my teeth!" My response, "You dumb ass, your not suppose to eat it, your suppose to peel it, and eat the inside!"  "OH," was all she could say. I never laughed so hard in all my life. 

So that ladies and gentlemen, is why we call them the KIWI MOMENTS. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Still No Bat

Day 5 and that little sucker is still in there some where. Ray is being brave now, he doesn't have the net sitting next to him anymore.  Him and the girls (April & May) are still close on my heels at sun down though. Keep you posted.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

We Have A Bat

And not the kind you swing a ball at.  Although my poor husband, who is deathly afraid of them will be swinging like there is no tomorrow, when it comes out of hiding.  This is not the first one we've had.  You'd think by now he wouldn't be such a girl about it.  I saw it circling two nights ago in the kitchen.  I got up very calmly to try to confine it in one room.  He, on the other hand, jumped and said a few words I'd rather not post.  By time I got my new bat catching device.  The dog gate.  I couldn't find it.  I know it's there somewhere, Ray is having a hard time sleeping. One thing I will say is, he's not staying up till 2 a.m. anymore, when I say I'm going to bed at 11.  He is close on my heels, along with April and May.  With a big fishing net in hand. Yes, he brings it to bed with him, and sets it right along side the dresser for a quick grab.  Says, he needs it to protect himself.  You should see the size of this net.  He could catch a 50lb. carp with it.  And he is sleeping in his shorts in case he has to get up in the middle of the night, and run out side.  I can see I will be all alone in this little endeavor.  I swear the man is going to have a heart attack, because of the bat.  He gets real angry, and his face gets red.  I know his heart is racing like mad.  It is so hard not to laugh at him.  But that makes him even more mad.  And then I get "THAT'S IT, WERE MOVING!!!"  We've moved about a dozen time now since we've been there.  Guess I'll have to catch them all alone, now that we are empty nesters.  Used to be fun with my children at home. I have this catching down to a science.  I like to time myself, to see if I can break my old record.  But not so much fun when you are awaken at 3 a.m. with him yelling DEEEBEEE. I know by the bellow, we have a bat.  I'll let you know when it appears again and we, make that, I, catch it. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Children Services Needs a Phone Call

And so does the Dog Warden, for those unleashed dogs.  Pride is pulling Papa and Joy is in front of Papa.  This just ain't right!  I know what Papa's thinking, build those calves for basketball!  Poor little girl doesn't have a chance, her Papa and Daddy are both coaches.
She's doomed!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Godzilla's Wife

We get to the auction early,  find the perfect seat.  Clear shot of the auctioneer.....We thought..... Then in comes the amazon couple we see there every time we go. We can't believe how gargantuan they are.  Yes, she sat right in front of me.  KARMA!  That will teach us.  Ethel about wet herself when she sat down and blocked the whole stage in front of me. Look at the woman to her right of her to get the actual proportion of Godzilla's wife.   Check out the Jersey Boy post and you will see why Ethel thought it was so funny.  At least this seat didn't cost me $100.00.  Thank God we love to laugh!  Cause this was a knee slapper!!!

Office Chair

Got this metal chair at our last auction.  I kind of like it just the way it is, but we have a metal desk that will look great with it. Hopefully that will be our next piece to redo.  Ethel, dig out that map.  It has been so hot we haven't been able to work outside much.  May wanted in the pic.

Big Help

My husband came in from cutting the grass and told me, "your planter fell over."  "All by itself," I said.  "No, I hit it with the lawn mover, but I picked it up."


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Muscle Milk (Fast results to lose weight)

This  stuff is great! 
 I am a avid believer in this protein drink.  
A friend of mine, I'll call him Bill,
 was going in for surgery and had to drop a few pounds quick.  
The Cleveland Clinic recommended this drink for 2 weeks prior to his procedure. 
 I wanted to lose a few extra pounds, so I thought would join him, moral support.  I had to get my head into it....first step!  
 If your like me, if it doesn't taste good, forget it!  So I went out and got one to try.  
This stuff is good.  They have chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and my personal favorite banana.  They just came out with a coffee flavor. 
 I use the new flavor and vanilla in my coffee in the morning.  I like my fufu creamers, and this fit the bill.   After the first day he came in and lost 3 pounds.  Me 1/2.  But men lose faster than women, so I hung in there.  Day two for me 2 pounds. Next day 1, next  2, next 1 and so on. I did it faithful for the first week.  I am now down 11.  Yeah me!   Want to find out exactly what I did, and where to get it,  leave a comment.  

Vintage Tidbit "Next Comes Health"

Well I'm back to reading the great little book we got called "How to Develop a More Successful Personality!"  The next chapter in our little book is on health.

First things first! Poise and appearance are end results.  There may be difficulties involved in restoring your health once you've neglected it. (I can relate to that!)  But many of these difficulties can be avoided by a proper health program.

Such a program is like insurance.  The earlier you take the less it cost you...and the greater dividends it will bring you in later years.  Whoever you are, the time to start it is right now.  So here they are, the simple old-fashioned health rules:
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Get plenty of exercise and fresh air.
  • Play some every day.
  • Avoid harmful drugs...beverages, etc.
  • Consult your doctor for a check-up at least once a year.
  • Don't suffer in clothing which is out of season.  Plan for comfort: warmth in winter, coolness in summer.
  • Keep clean.  Drink plenty of water every day.
Yes, get back to the Basics:  fresh air, sunlight, and water for radiant health!

Good, simple advice we should all follow.  No matter what new diet is being marketed, you can't deny that the common sense basics from 1958 are all you need today.  And of course to stop eating the peanut M&M's every chance I get, but enough about me!  Next time we will talk about stepping-stones to dreams coming true!

Monday, August 1, 2011

No Sew Dog Bed for My Best Friend Jackson

Well my other best friend, besides Mabel, is my dog Jackson.  Sometimes my children think he is even my favorite amongst them.  We laugh because he is referred to as their little brother with an extreme hair disorder!  Well his bed in our bedroom was looking pretty sad.  Look how flat it was.
So I took a piece of 2" foam and cut it about the same size as the existing dog bed.  Wanted to give my baby a little more comfort.  Remember when cutting foam, if you use an electric knife it makes the job effortless.  I nipped off the corners of the foam so there wouldn't be too sharp of a corner.  I had purchased the brownish fleece to match our bedroom, didn't want the dog bed to stand out too much as you can see by the original color.  I'm picky about things like that!  And then I just started fixing the bed using the no sew fleece blanket method.
I cut the fleece out first making two identical pieces 4" bigger on all sides than the size of the bed.  Cut out the corners and then cut 1 1/2" strips around the outside, all 4" deep.  That worked out evenly since the bed size was 36" x 27".  You can adjust these measurements to whatever size works for the size of the bed you are doing.  I placed the piece of 2" foam on top of the bottom piece of fleece.  I then laid two dryer sheets on top of it to give it a better smell and then laid the existing dog bed on top of that.  The dog bed we had did not have a removable cover, you just washed the entire thing so I saw no reason to take the cover off.  I did wash it prior to making this change.  I then put the top piece of fleece on lining it up with the bottom piece and started tying knots.  It helps if you make each knot the same way when doing it.  Sorry this picture turned out a little blurry, my hands were tired from all that tying!
I have to admit the main reason I got busy doing Jackson's bed wasn't so much that it was flat and had holes in it.  I actually purchased the fleece to do this project a few months ago and just never got around to it.  But this past weekend when Mabel was busy with her bridal shower, I hit the auction circuit solo.  Must admit it wasn't as fun without her and it was awful hot so I sweated up a storm, but look at the beautiful "like new" cutting table I got for sewing.  Complete with cutting mat.  I was thrilled.
Perfect for making my doggy's bed on top of.  I love the way it folds up and  can be stored out of the way and the mat rolls up nicely too.  No more using the kitchen or dining room table all the time and having to hear my family grumble about it.  I love my new table.  Well now for the finished dog bed.  It turned out really soft and nice & thick for my little boy.

He Just Loves His New Bed!

Jackson is happy and that is all that matters!
He's going to sleep well tonight!